Raising awareness and funds to CRUSH Rett Syndrome out of existence.
Join the team of families, caregivers, medical professionals, and researchers that are going to cure Rett Syndrome
We are dedicated to providing energy, passion, and inspiration to raise awareness and funds accelerating the progress on finding treatments and cure for Rett Syndrome. We will make Rett Syndrome the first reversible neurological disorder to be cured.
Our fundraising events are planned to enable the maximum exposure to our cause so that we can grow our network of kind-hearted individuals and businesses that can help us reach our goal for a cure. Here are the events happening now!
Joel started Investment You (our parent organization) with the idea that businesses should be intertwined with their local community to make the greatest impact. Joel loves to spend time traveling with his family, watching his beloved 49ers and is quite a foodie.
Patty Gray has worked for fortune 500 corporations and small start-ups, as a technology contributor and a small business administrator. Her daughter, Stephanie, suffers from Rett syndrome which motivates her to focus time helping researchers get funding needed to cure this terrible disorder.
Commander (SEAL: Reserve) C. Colin Supko is founder of “Zikl.com” to bring transparency into peer to peer markets. His most recent A.D. assignment was COO for Special Boat Team Twelve. Colin is currently the C.O. for all west coast Naval Reserve SEAL’s at SEAL Team 17.
Everyone at some point in their lives finds themselves needing help from someone. You view that person that reaches their hand out to you as a hero. Have you ever had a chance to be a hero? While the impact the hero has on the one he helps is obvious, the impact to the hero may be even larger. The sense of purpose and realization that we can make a difference in something larger than yourself is a feeling that not all of us get an opportunity to enjoy. Be a hero to someone today. Make a difference.