Race Period: Registration is now closed.
Distance: 5k
Cost: $30 individual racers, $30 team captain and $25 for each team member (all medals shipped to team captain)
To Benefit: Crush Rett Syndrome

Mischief Managed Virtual 5K Run
In May, 1998, the Battle of Hogwarts was waged resulting in the death of Voldemort along with several others that sacrificed themselves so that others could live on without the threat of his evil ways. Whether you are an experienced wizard runner or one that is just discovering their wizardly powers, all participants will receive a two-sided spinning medal showing that you embarked on a 5K journey where you solemnly swore that you were up to no good. You must complete your 5K by May 15 when you will know that your mischief was managed. You can run your 5K all at one time or run/walk the distance over several days. You are not required to provide any proof that you completed your 5K journey and are on your honor to complete it by May 15, 2016. All medals will be mailed out by May 25, 2016.
Worldwide, there are over 350,000 people suffering from Rett Syndrome. Rett Syndrome is a devastating disorder that usually begins to show symptoms between 6 and 18 months old. It is seen almost exclusively in girls and affects all racial and economic groups. Babies appear to be born healthy and normal but then stop developing new skills and a period of regression begins where the baby loses many of her acquired skills. Most never develop verbal communication skills and many lose their ability to crawl or walk. Eventually, the symptoms of Parkinson’s, epilepsy, autism, cerebral palsy, and anxiety disorders can be observed all in one little girl. The hallmark symptom of Rett Syndrome is repetitive hand movements such as clapping, hand-washing, or hand-mouthing that makes purposeful use of the hands impossible. Because of the loss of hand use and the ability to speak, girls with Rett Syndrome are sometimes called Silent Angels. Girls diagnosed decades ago were thought to be equally intellectually disabled, but recent advances in technology as well as evidence of some girls blurting out appropriate words and sentences during rare occasions have provided evidence that the intellectual capacity of these girls may be largely intact.
The gene responsible for Rett Syndrome has been identified which has led to incredible advances in researchers’ efforts to find effective treatments and a cure. Research has proven that replacement of the defective gene with a normal one results in the terrible symptoms of Rett Syndrome subsiding and the brain cells returning to normal. This team of researchers is our team of wizards that are working to remove the scourge of Rett Syndrome from the world. Please join our wizarding team and complete your 5K journey so that we can say “Mishief Managed” and cure Rett Syndrome!
100% of the net proceeds from your registration fee will be donated to Crush Rett Syndrome whose mission is to raise awareness and funding to cure Rett Syndrome. This event is not endorsed or sponsored by Warner Brothers, JK Rowling, or their agents or representatives. Permission for the use of copyrighted material has been granted by Warner Brothers for this event.